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Principal's Corner

Welcome Back Saints' Nation, 
I am excited to welcome you all back for the 2022-2023 school year. For the past year and half, we as a school, district, and community have faced many challenges but we made it through, and we will be coming back this school year better than before. I am looking forward to working with our students, parents, faculty and all other stakeholders as well as having our students return to the building.  
Our theme for this school year is “Back to the Basics” with students, faculty, and staff reclaiming structure and normalization of school. To recover and push past the outward circumstances we will adopt these five basic principles:  
  1. Self- Disciplined  
  2. Motivation  
  3. Endurance  
  4. Teamwork  
  5. Saint School Pride  
These guiding principles are what we as a faculty and staff will commit to and center all things learning for our students. Our main goal here at Selma High is to ensure overall student success. 

 Saint Nation we have a tough road ahead, but we will reach every goal that we set for this school year and beyond.  
 It is truly a blessing and privilege to be your school leader, an apart of a thriving community where parents, students, teachers, and all other stakeholders strive for safety and academic excellence.    
 My door is always open. Please feel free to contact me and discuss any questions or concerns. I look forward to working with each team member of Saint Nation and I personally want to thank you for your continued dedication of SHS.   
 We are built for this! Go Saints! 
 Stoney Pritchett 