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It is our goal to prepare our students to be College and Career Ready.

Guidance and counseling functions as a integral part of education. The Guidance Program components are as follows:

1. GUIDANCE CURRICULUM- The curriculum should emphasize decision-making, self-understanding, career exploration and preparation, and the improvement of study skills

2. INDIVIDUAL PLANNING- Assists students in planning, monitoring, and managing their personal and career planning

3. RESPONSIVE SERVICES- Addresses the immediate concerns of students

4. SYSTEM SUPPORT- Includes program, staff, and school support activities and services

Listed below are a few of the services that we provide.
• Individual Counseling
• Group Counseling
• Counseling Referrals
• Career Planning
• Outreach Referrals
• Testing
• Educational Planning
• College & Career Night
• Teacher/Parent Conferences
• Self-understanding & self-esteem development
• Study skills
• Encouraging students to recognize and make the best use of their capabilities
• On campus recruitment

If you have any questions or concerns please contact us. The Selma High Guidance Department is here to assist you.